
I am very pleased to have been invited by Carlo Bonomi and Giselle Galdi to host a “Ferenczi Forum” on the website of the ISFN, which we are auspiciously launching on our Hungarian progenitor’s 144th birthday. I hope it will provide a venue for ongoing conversation among the members of this unique psychoanalytic community, especially since we see each other in person all too infrequently. My thought is to propose a spontaneously evolving series of “topics” that might provide a springboard for discussion, dialogue, and even debate.

To start off, I would like to pose the question, “Why Ferenczi?” By this I mean, what is it about Ferenczi that has drawn each of us to become members of this network? Is it something about him as a person, his ideas, his place in the history of psychoanalysis, or what? Read more