The International Sándor Ferenczi Network

The International Sándor Ferenczi Network (ISFN) of societies, study centers, and other institutions, aims to further the development of psychoanalysis along the lines anticipated by Sándor Ferenczi.

Its mission is to be an open forum for providing information, enabling debate, and facilitating research through the ISFN website, and the organization of an International Sándor Ferenczi Conference every three years.

The ISFN was established in Toronto on May 7, 2015 as an agreement between:
American Journal of Psychoanalysis
Associazione Culturale Sándor Ferenczi (now replaced by SIPeP-SF)
Friends of Ferenczi (Canada)
Imago International
International Ferenczi Foundation
Sándor Ferenczi Society, Budapest
International Forum of Psychoanalysis
Le Coq-Héron
The Sándor Ferenczi Center at the New School

Additional member organizations (joined after May 7, 2015):
Grupo Brasileiro de Pesquisas Sándor Ferenczi
Grupo de Estudios Sándor Ferenczi
Hungarian Imago Association
Società Italiana di Psicoanalisi e Psicoterapia Sándor Ferenczi
The wise baby/Il poppante saggio
Asociación Sándor Ferenczi de Investigación

ISFN Board

President: Carlo Bonomi (email:
Treasurer and Vicepresident: Marco Conci
Secretary: Mariana Toledo (email:
Executive Board: Eugenio Canesin Dal Molin, Giselle Galdi, Jô Gondar, Adrienne Harris, Endre Koritar, Daniel Kupermann, Judit Mészáros, Peter Rudnytsky.
Board of the Delegates of the Member Societies: Elena Adam, Antal Bókay, Franco Borgogno, Luis Martín Cabré, Marco Conci, Oscar Elvira, Giselle Galdi, Gianni Guasto, Adrienne Harris, Endre Koritar, Daniel Kupermann, Judit Mészáros, Judit Székács-Weisz.

Website Editorial Board

Editor in Chief: Giselle Galdi
Executive Editorial Committee: Adrienne Harris, Judit Mészáros, Carlo Bonomi, Endre Koritar
Section Editors: Carlo Bonomi, Franco Borgogno, Judit Mészáros, Adrienne Harris, Luis Martin Cabré, Endre Koritar
Members of the Editorial Board: Elena Adam, Marco Conci, Eros Ferenc, Josette Garon, Gianni Guasto, Hayuta Gurevitch, Yves Lugrin, Eugênio Canesin Dal Molin, Clara Mucci, Peter Rudnytsky, Judith Szekacs, Mónika Takács