Publications by Ferenczi
The complete bibliography of Ferenczi’s works in German, English and Hungarian is available at the Psychoanalytic Document Database.
The Freud-Ferenczi Correspondence
French: Sigmund Freud, Sándor Ferenczi Correspondence (1992-2000)
Tome I, 1908-1914. Éd. par les soins de Eva Brabant, Ernst Falzeder et Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch ; sous la dir. d’André Haynal; transcrit par Ingeborg Meyer-Palmedo. Paris : Calmann-Lévy, 1992.
T. II, 1914-1919. Éd. par les soins de Eva Brabant et Ernst Falzeder.[introd. par Axel Hoffer]. Paris : Calmann-Lévy, 1996.
T. III, 1920-1933. Éd. sous la dir. d’André Haynal ; transcrit par Ingeborg Meyer-Palmedo. [introd. par Judith Dupont] Paris : Calmann-Lévy, 2000.
German: Sigmund Freud, Sándor Ferenczi Briefwechsel (1993-2005)
Bd. I/1, 1908-1911. Falzeder, Ernst (Hrsg.); Brabant, Eva (Hrsg.); Giampieri-Deutsch,Patrizia (Hrsg. unter der wiss. Leitung von André Haynal: Transkription von Ingeborg Meyer-Palmedo) Böhlau, Wien, 1993.
Bd. I/2, 1912-1914. Falzeder, Ernst (Hrsg.); Brabant, Eva (Hrsg.); unter der wiss. Leitung von André Haynal; Transkription von Ingeborg Meyer-Palmedo Giampieri-Deutsch, Patrizia (Hrsg.), Böhlau, Wien, 1993.
Bd. II/1, 1914-1916. Falzeder, Ernst (Hrsg.); Brabant, Eva (Hrsg.); Giampieri-Deutsch,Patrizia (Mitarb.):, Böhlau, Wien, 1996.
Bd. II/2, 1917-1919. Falzeder,Ernst (Hrsg.); Brabant, Eva (Hrsg.); Giampieri-Deutsch, Patrizia (Mitarb.),Böhlau, Wien, 1996.
Bd. III/1, 1920-1924. Falzeder, Ernst (Hrsg.); Brabant, Eva (Hrsg.); Giampieri-Deutsch, Patrizia (Mitarb.), Böhlau, Wien, 2003.
Bd. III/2, 1925-1933. (Hrsg.) Falzeder,Ernst, (Mitarb.) Brabant, Eva (Hrsg.); Giampieri-Deutsch, Patrizia, Böhlau, Wien, 2005.
English: The Correspondence of Sigmund Freud and Sándor Ferenczi (1993-2000)
Volume 1, 1908-1914. Edited by Eva Brabant, Ernst Falzeder, Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch Translated by Peter T. Hoffer, with an Introduction by André Haynal, The Belknap Press, Cambridge, Masschusetts; London, England, 1993.
Volume 2, 1914-1919. Edited by Ernst Falzeder and Eva Brabant with the collaboration of Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch, translated by Peter T. Hoffer, with an Introduction by Axel Hoffer, The Belknap Press, Cambridge, Masschusetts; London, England, 1996.
Volume 3, 1920-1933. Edited by Ernst Falzeder and Eva Brabant, with the collaboration of Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch, translated by Peter T. Hoffer with an Introduction by Judith Dupont, The Belknap Press, Cambridge, Masschusetts; London, England, 2000.
Hungarian: Sigmund Freud – Ferenczi Sándor: Levelezés. (2000-2005)
Vol. I/1. 1908-1911. Eds. by Eva Brabant, Ernst Falzeder, with the cooperation of Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch, under the scientific instruction of Haynal André. Translated by Gábor Berényi and others. The Hungarian text was edited and revised by Ferenc Erõs.Thalassa Alapítvány, Pólya Kiadó, Budapest, 2000.
Vol. I/2. 1912-1914. Eds. by Eva Brabant, Ernst Falzeder, with the cooperation of Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch, under the scientific instruction of Haynal André. Translated by Gábor Berényi and Katalin Schulz. The Hungarian text was edited and revised by Ferenc Erõs and Anna Kovács. Thalassa Alapítvány, Pólya Kiadó, Budapest, 2002.
Vol. II/1. 1914-1916. Eds. by Eva Brabant, Ernst Falzeder, with the cooperation of Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch, under the scientific instruction of Haynal André. Translated by Katalin Schulz and Zsófia Székely. The Hungarian text was edited and revised by Ferenc Erõs and Anna Kovács. Thalassa Alapítvány, Pólya Kiadó, Budapest, 2002.
Vol. II/2. 1917-1919. Eds. by Eva Brabant, Ernst Falzeder, with the cooperation of Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch, under the scientific instruction of Haynal André. Translated by Balázs Zay. The Hungarian text was edited and revised by Ferenc Erõs and Anna Kovács. Thalassa Alapítvány, Pólya Kiadó, Budapest, 2003.
Vol. III/1. 1920-1924. Eds. by Eva Brabant, Ernst Falzeder, with the cooperation of Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch, under the scientific instruction of Haynal André. Translated by Gábor Berényi and Katalin Schulz. The Hungarian text was edited and revised by Ferenc Erõs and Anna Kovács. Thalassa Alapítvány, Pólya Kiadó, Budapest, 2004.
Vol. III/2. 1925-1933. Eds. by Eva Brabant, Ernst Falzeder, with the cooperation of Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch, under the scientific instruction of Haynal André. Translated by Gábor Berényi. The Hungarian text was edited and revised by Ferenc Erõs and Anna Kovács. Thalassa Alapítvány, Pólya Kiadó, Budapest, 2005.
Additional Works by Ferenczi
Journal Clinique: Janvier-octobre 1932. Préface de Michael Balint, traduit par l’equipe de traduction du Coq Heron, avant-propos de Judith Dupont. Paris: Payot. In French, 1985.
The Clinical Diary of Sándor Ferenczi. (1932) J. Dupont (Ed.) M. Balint and N.Z. Jackson (Trans.) Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. In English. 1988.
First Contributions to Psycho-Analysis. London: Hogarth Press, 1955.
Further Contributions to the Theory and Technique of Psycho-Analysis. London: Hogarth Press. 1955.
Final Contributions to the Problems and Methods of Psycho-Analysis. London: Hogarth Press. 1955.
Thalassa: A Theory of Genitality. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1938.
The Development of Psychoanalysis (with Otto Rank). N.Y. and Washington DC, Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Company, 1925.