Special Ferenczi Inspired Conferences and Meeting
“Psicoanálisis entre catástrofes y creación. Perspectivas emergentes”
November 17-18, 2023
Ferenczi 150th Anniversary International Conference
June 9–11, 2023, Budapest, Hungary
Supported by the ISFN and organized by the Sándor Ferenczi Society in collaboration with the Hungarian Psychoanalytical Society and Free Association Lisbon
“Paying tribute to the 150th anniversary of Ferenczi’s birth and of the founding of Budapest. Ferenczi’s clinical and theoretical work and his influence in integrating the ideas of psychoanalysis into culture, the arts and social scientific thought have created potential for development like the integration of the former towns of Pest, Buda and Óbuda to form a world city. The theme of the conference, as we intend it, offers an opportunity to approach the current phenomena and challenges of the 21st century in the spirit of Ferenczi.”
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Fragmentations (Past Pre-Conference Event)
February 28-29, 2020, Lisbon, Portugal
Confirmed Speakers: Carlo Bonomi, Judit Mészáros, Daniel Kupermann, Endre Koritar, Luis Martin Cabré, Jô Gondar, Gianni Guasto, Teresa Pinheiro, João Mendes Ferreira, Conceição Tavares de Almeida, Eugênio Canesin Dal Molin, Csongor Juhos, Jorge Câmara, Julio Vertzman, Teresa Abreu, Patricia Câmara, Felicia Knobloch.
Organizing Commitee: Csongor Juhos (ISFN, SPP), Felicia Knobloch (ISFN, GBPSF), Jorge Câmara (ISFN, SPP) e Teresa Abreu (ISFN, SPP).
Ferenczi: A clínica nos confins. (Past Pre-Conference Event)
November 1-2, 2019, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The 2nd gathering of GBPSF took place in Rio de Janeiro, November 1-2, 2019.
Organizing Commitee: Bartholomeu Vieira, Daniel Kupermann, Daniela Barbuto Romão, Eliana Schueler Reis, Eugênio Canesin Dal Molin, Fernanda Pacheco Ferreira, Hélia Borges, Jô Gondar, Julio Verztman and Regina Herzog.
Soltar as linguas na Psicanálise (Past Pre-Conference Event)
June 7-8, 2019, São Paulo, Brazil
We had the 1st gathering of Grupo Brasileiro de Pesquisas Sándor Ferenczi, our ISFN’s member from Brazil, June 7 and 8, at University of São Paulo and Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. The event was organized by members of the group that are also professors or researchers in these universities.
The event was free and intended to present the Brazilian Group to the local psychoanalytic community, to call attention to Ferenczi’s ideas, and to initiate the executive organizing work for the 2021 Conference. More than 200 colleagues attended.
Organizing Commitee: Adriana B. Pereira, Bartholomeu Vieira, Bruna Zerbinatti, Daniel Kupermann, Denise Goldfajn, Elisa Cintra, Eugênio Canesin Dal Molin, Jô Gondar, Marina Ribeiro, Nelson Coelho Junior, Paula Peron and Renato Mezan.
View Program
Watch broadcast on Youtube: June 7 Video One, June 7 Video Two, June 8 Video
Présence de Sándor Ferenczi
2014, Paris, France
View Brochure Image, View PDF Program
Sincerity and Freedom. Conference Inspired by Ferenczi’s Clinical Diary
2013, Freud Museum, London, UK
Ferenczi Comes Home
2008, Miskolc, Hungary
Ferenczi and contemporary psychoanalysis
2005, Firenze, Italy
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Conferenczi/Hungarian Psychoanalytic Ideas Revisited
2004, London, UK
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Why Did You Let It Be So? The Role of the Third One in the Development of Psychic Trauma
2004, Budapest, Hungary
Ferenczi exhibition cooperating with the Sándor Ferenczi Society
2002, Torino, Italy
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La catastrofe e i suoi simboli. Il contributo di Sándor Ferenczi alla storia della psicoanalisi
1999, Firenze, Italy
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