Books and Articles Inspired by Ferenczi
Alphabetical Listing of Publications by Author
Please click on letter to access references listed by author.
Abraham, N. (1978). Présentation de Thalassa. In L’Ecorce et le noyau, pp. 15-24. Paris: Aubier-Flammarion.
Albasi, C., Boschiroli, A., & Granieri, A. (2003). Incontrando Sándor Ferenczi. Temi ferencziani nella pratica clinica contemporanea. Bergamo: Moretti e Vitali.
Antonelli, G. (1997). Il mare di Ferenczi. Roma: Di Renzo.
Appelbaum, J. (2012). Book Review: Rescuing Psychoanalysis from Freud and other Essays in Re-Vision, by P. L. Rudnytsky, London: Karnac Books, 2011, 188 pp. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 72(4), 418-421.
Arfelli, P. (2002). Affective response and the analyst’s freedom in work with traumatized Adolescents. American Imago, 59(4), 447-458.
Italian translation: Risposta affettiva e libertà dell’analista al lavoro con adolescenti traumatizzati. In F. Borgogno, A. Ferro (Eds.), Il preverbale e l’ambiente psichico [The Preverbal and the Psychic Environment]. Roma: Borla. 2004.
Arfelli, P. (2007). I sogni dell’idiota: la rêverie nella psicoterapia infantile [The idiot’s dreams. Rêverie in child psychotherapy]. In F. Borgogno, M. Vigna-Taglianti (Eds.), L’analista “in gioco” [The Analyst “in playing”]. Roma: Borla.
Arfelli, P. (2008). The Idiot’s Dreams. Rêverie in Child Psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 68(1), 69-94.
Arfelli, P. (2015). Dutiful e “dutiless” child. La ricerca dell’integrazione tra gemella selvaggia e gemella saggia [Dutiful and “dutiless” child. The research for integration between wild and wise twin]. In F. Borgogno, P. Arfelli, (Eds.), Le radici del dolore infantile [The Roots of Child Pain]. Roma: Borla.
Arnoux, D. J. & Bokanowski, T. (2001). Le nourrisson savant. Une figure de l’infantile. Paris: Press Èditions.
Aron, L. (1992). From Ferenczi to Searles and other relational approaches: Commentary on Mark Blechner’s “Working in the Countertransference.” Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 2, 181-190.
Aron, L. (1996). A Meeting of Minds. Mutuality in Psychoanalysis. Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press. Google Books
Italian translation: Menti che si incontrano. Raffaello Cortina. 2004.
Aron, L. (1997). Review of the book The correspondence of Sigmund Freud and Sandor Ferenczi (Vol. 2) 1914-1919 by E. Falzeder, & E. Brabant (Eds.). Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 33, 91-93.
Aron, L. (1998). “Yours, Thirsty for Honesty, Ferenczi”: Some Background to Sándor Ferenczi’s Pursuit of Mutuality. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 58(1), 5-20.
Aron, L., &Frankel, J. (1994). Who is overlooking whose reality? Commentary on Tabin’s (1993) “Freud’s shift from the seduction theory: Some overlooked reality factors.” Psychoanalytic Psychology, 11, 291-302.
Aron, L. & Frankel, J. (1995). Response to Tabin. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 12, 317-319.
Aron, L. & Harris, A. (1993). The Legacy of Sandor Ferenczi. Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press. Google Books
Aron, L., & Harris, A. (1993). The legacy of Sandor Ferenczi: Discovery and rediscovery. In L. Aron and A. Harris (Eds.), The legacy of Sandor Ferenczi (pp. 1-36). Hillsdale: N.J., The Analytic Press.
Aron, L., & Harris, A. (1997). Ferenczi’s semiotic theory: Previews of postmodernism. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 4, 522-534.
Aron, L., & Ragen, T. (1993). Abandoned workings: Ferenczi’s mutual analysis. In L. Aron and A. Harris (Eds.), The legacy of Sandor Ferenczi. Hillsdale, N.J.: The Analytic Press.
Aron, L., & Starr, K. E. (2013). Freud, Ferenczi & Schreber: Wandering Jews. In: Aron, L. & Starr, K. A psychotherapy for the people: Toward a progressive psychoanalysis (pp. 305-327). NY: Routledge.
Aron, L., & Starr, K. (2015). Freud & Ferenczi: Wandering Jews in Palermo. In: A. Harris & S. Kuchuck, (Eds.). The Legacy of Sandor Ferenczi: From Ghost to Ancestor (pp. 150-167). London & New York: Routledge.
Ávila-Espada, A. (2013). Tratamientos psicodinámicos-II. La psicoterapia psicoanalítica para el siglo XXI. In Rojí, B., & Saúl, L.A. (Eds.), Introducción a los tratamientos psicodinámicos, experienciales, constructivistas, sistémicos e integradores (pp. 123-185). Madrid: UNED.
Ávila-Espada, A. (2013). Los orígenes de la perspectiva interpersonal y socio-cultural. In A. Ávila-Espada (Ed.), La tradicion interpersonal. Perspectiva social y cultural en psicoanalisis (pp. 57-114). Madrid: Ágora Relacional.
Ávila-Espada, A., & Domínguez, R. (2014). Dreams and change processes in an ex prostitute under relational psychoanalytic psychotherapy. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 23(1), 23-29.
Ávila-Espada, A., Gasparino, A., Rubí, M. L., & Espinosa, S. (2003). “Il nuovo inizio” e “la seconda opportunità di svilupo”: un cammino tra alcuni concetti ferencziani e winnicottiani per presentare il lavoro psicoanalitico contemporaneo. In Boschiroli, A., Albasi, C., & Granieri, A. (Eds.), Incontrando Sándor Ferenczi. Temi ferencziani nella pratica clinica contemporanea . Bergamo: Moretti & Vitali. Número especial de Radure, quaderni di materiale psichico, 7(1), 45-59.
Bacciagaluppi, M. (1989). Attachment Theory as an Alternative Basis of Psychoanalysis. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 49(4), 311-318.
Bacciagaluppi, M. (1992). L’influenza di Ferenczi su Fromm. Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 26(4), 39-55.
English translation: Ferenczi’s influence on Fromm. In L. Aron & A. Harris (Eds.), The Legacy of Sandor Ferenczi, pp. 185-198. Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press.
Bacciagaluppi, M. (1993). The Ferenczi Commemoration Conference in Budapest. Academy Forum, 37(4), 15-16.
Bacciagaluppi, M. (1994). The influence of Ferenczi on Bowlby. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 3, 97-101.
Bacciagaluppi, M. (2010). L’influenza di Ferenczi su Bowlby e Fromm. Ricerca Psicoanalitica, 21(2), 93-114.
Bacciagaluppi, M. (2012). Paradigmi in psicoanalisi. Un modello integrato, pp. 166-184. Pisa: ETS.
English translation: Paradigms in Psychoanalysis. An Integration, pp. 122-139. London: Karnac, 2012.
Bacciagaluppi, M. (2013). Ideology and Psychoanalysis: The Excommunication of Ferenczi. Academy Forum, pp. 14-16.
Italian version: Ideologia e psicoanalisi: alcune “scomuniche”. In A. Imbasciati & L. Longhin (Eds.), Psicoanalisi, ideologia ed epistemologia. La mente emotiva nella scienza e nelle istituzioni politiche e sociali, pp. 257-264. Roma: Aracne, 2014.
Bakó, T. & Mészáros, J. (2012). Ferenczi through Psychographics. Graphic: T. Bakó, text edit: J. Mészáros. Postcard book. Psychoart, Budapest.
Balint, M. (2002). The Crisis of Medical Practice. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 62(1), 7-16. Originally published in Hungarian in 1930.
Barande, I. (1972). Sándor Ferenczi. Paris: Payot.
Bar-Haim, S. (2015). Becoming a Peter Pan: omnipotence, dependency and the Ferenczian child. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 75(1), 37-45.
Barish, S., & Vida, J. E. (1998). “As Far as Possible”: Discovering Our Limits and Finding Ourselves. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 58(1), 83-97.
Bastos, L. A. d. M. (1989). Ferenczi tinha razão? Algumas considerações sobre a teoria do trauma. Revista Brasileira Psicanálise, 23(3), 71-81.
Bastos, L. A. d. M. (1993). Transferência e desenvolvimento do ego: uma abordagem ferencziana. Percurso, 10, 45-49.
Berman, E. (1995). Confusion of tongues. (Letter to the editor). The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 76, 1045-1046.
Berman, E. (1996). The Ferenczi renaissance. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 6, 391-411.
Berman, E. (1997). Mutual analysis: Boundary violation or failed experiment? (Letter to the Editor.) Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Assocation, 45, 569-571.
Berman, E. (1999). Sandor Ferenczi today: Reviving the broken dialectic. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 59, 303-313.
Berman, E. (2002). Identifying with the other: A conflictual, vital necessity (Commentary on paper by Jay Frankel). Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 12, 141-151.
Berman, E. (2003). (Ed.). Confusion of tongues between adults and the child, papers by Ferenczi. Tel Aviv: Am Oved. (In Hebrew)
Berman, E. (2003). Ferenczi, rescue and utopia. American Imago, 60, 429-444.
Italian translation: L’utopia in Ferenczi. In F. Borgogno (Ed.), Ferenczi Oggi (pp. 358-371). Torino: Borlighieri. 2004.
German translation: Ferenczi – Rettung und Utopie. Integrative Therapie, 32, 317-330, 2006.
Berman, E. (2003). The Other Voice: Sándor Ferenczi and his Contribution to Psychoanalytic Treatment. Sihot, 18, 8-37.
Turkish translation: Diger Ses: Sandor Ferenczi ve Psikanalitik Tedaviye Katkisi. Istanbul: Baglam. 2007.
Berman, E. (2004). Freud and Ferenczi: Their generative dyad as a springboard for relational view of treatment and training. Impossible Traning: A Relational View of Psychoanalytic Education. Hillsdale, NJ: Analytic Press [Routledge].
Berman, E. (2004). Sándor, Gizella, Elma: A biographical journey. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 85, 489-520.
Hungarian translation: Sandor, Gizella, Elma: Eletrajzi utazas. Thalassa, 14, 69-98. 2003.
French translation: Sandor, Gizella, Elma: un voyage biographique. Le Coq Heron, 20-41. 2004.
Italian translation: Sandor, Gizela, Elma: uno studio storico-biografico. In F. Borgogno (Ed.), Ferenczi Oggi, (pp. 375-407). Torino: Borlighieri. 2004.
Berman, E. (2007). Call of the wild. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 67, 211-220.
Hungarian translation: A vadon szava. Thalassa, 18, 87-100. 2007.
Berman, E. (2009). Ferenczi and Winnicott: Why we need their radical edge. (Commentary on paper by Michael Parsons). Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 19, 246-252.
Berman, E. (Ed.) (2013): The Clinical Diary by Ferenczi. Tel Aviv: Am Oved. (In Hebrew)
Berman, E. (2015). On “polygamous analysis”. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 75, 29- 36.
Bertrand, M., Bokanowski, T., Dechaud-Ferbus, M., Driant, A., Ferminne, M., & Khouri, N. (1994). Ferenczi, Patient et psychanalyste. Paris: L’Harmattan.
Bleichmar, H. (1999). Stati molteplici dell’inconscio (il non costituito, il rimosso e la Untergang freudiana) e loro conseguenze per il trattamento analitico. In F. Borgogno (Ed.), La partecipazione affettiva dell’analista. Il contributo di Sándor Ferenczi al pensiero psicoanalitico contemporaneo. Milano: FrancoAngeli.
Boccara, P., Gaddini, A. & Riefolo, G. (2009). Authenticity and the Analytic Process. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 69(4), 348-362.
Bokanowski, T. (1997). Sándor Ferenczi. Paris: PUF.
Bokanowski, T. (2000). Sándor Ferenczi: Hoepli.
Bokanowski, T. & Kelley-Lainé, K. (1995). Sándor Ferenczi. Monographies de la Revue Française de Psychoanalyse. Paris: PUF.
Bokay, A. (2015). The child as a traumatic self-component in Ferenczi’s later psychoanalysis. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 75(1), 46-56.
Bonomi, C. (Ed.) (1998). Special Issue: “Sándor Ferenczi: Psychoanalysis and the Confusion of Tongues“. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 7(4).
Bonomi, C. (1998). Editorial: Ferenczi and Contemporary Psychoanalysis. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 7(4), 181-188.
Bonomi, C. (1998). Jones’ allegation of Ferenczi’s mental deterioration: A reassessment. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 7, 201-206.
Bonomi, C. (2001). La catastrofe ei suoi Simboli. Iil contributo di Sándor Ferenczi alla teoria psicoanalitica del trauma. Turin: UTET Libreria.
Bonomi, C. (2003). Breaking the Solid Ground of Common Sense: Undoing “Structure” with Michael Balint. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 63(3), 219-238.
Bonomi, C. (2006). Sándor Ferenczi e la psicoanalisi contemporanea. Roma: Borla.
Bonomi, C. (2007). Sulla soglia della psicoanalisi: Freud e la follia infantile. Turin: Bollati Boringhieri.
Bonomi, C. (2008). Fear of the Mind: The Annihilating Power of the Gaze. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 68(2), 169-176.
Bonomi, C. (2013). “So it Really Does Exist—The Sea-Serpent We’ve Never Believed In!” Ferenczi’s Influence on Freud Revisited. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 73(4), 370-381.
Bonomi, C. (2014). Book Review: The Girl Who Committed Hara-Kiri and Other Clinical and Historical Essays, by Franco Borgogno, Karnac Books, London, 2013. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 74(4), 381-388.
Bonomi, C. (2015). The Cut and the Building of Psychoanalysis, Volume I. Sigmund Freud and Emma Eckstein. London: Routledge.
Bonomi, C., & Borgogno, F. (2006). Le symbole brisé. Genèse et réparation des fractures dans l’histoire symbolique de l’individu. In Claude Nachin (Ed.), Psychanalyse, histoire, rêve et poésie. Paris: L’Harmattan.
Bonomi, C., & Borgogno, F. (Eds.) (2014). Faces of Trauma. Special Issue of The International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 23(1).
Bonomi C., & Borgogno, F. (2014). The Ferenczi Renaissance: Past, present, and future. The International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 23(1), 1-2.
Borgogno, F. (1994). Spoilt children. L’intrusione e l’estrazione parentale come fattore di distruttività [Spoilt Children. The parental intrusion and extraction as a factor of destructiveness]. Richard e Piggle, 2(2), 135-152.
Spanish translation: “Spoilt children”: um diálogo entre psicanalistas. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de Porto Alegre, 14(1), 307-349. 2012.
German translation: Spoilt Children: Intrusives und Extraktives Elternverhalten als Faktor von Destruktivität. Kinderanalyse, 4, 349-377.
Borgogno, F. (1977). Ferenczi: strumenti per pensare il trauma. [Ferenczi: Tools to think about the trauma]. In L. Di Cagno, R. Rigardetto, & M. Gandione (Eds.), Le vittime e gli attori della violenza [Victims and Actors of the Violence] (pp. 7-8). Torino: Minerva Medica.
Borgogno F. (1988). L’elasticità della tecnica come progetto e percorso analitico di Sándor Ferenczi. Rivista di Psicoanalisi, 44(4), 769-788.
English translation: Elasticity of Technique: The Psychoanalytic Project and the Trajectory of Ferenczi’s Life. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 61(4), 391-407. 2001.
Czech translation: Pružnost techniky: Psychoanalytický projekt a cesta Sándora Ferencziho. Revue Psychoanalytická Psychoterapie, 14(1), 14-26. 2012.
Borgogno, F. (1997). Un contributo di Ferenczi alla psicoanalisi infantile: la pensabilità del trauma e del traumatico [A contribution by Ferenczi to child psychoanalysis. The trauma and the traumatic: are they thinkable?]. Richard e Piggle, 5(3), 276-285.
Borgogno, F. (1998). Il primo scritto di Ferenczi come biglietto di visita [Sándor Ferenczi’s first paper considered as a “calling card”]. Introduction to L. Aron, & A. Harris, (Ed.) L’eredità di Sándor Ferenczi. Roma: Borla.
Borgogno, F. (1999). La Partecipazione Affettiva dell’Analista. Il Contributo di Sàndor Ferenczi al Pensiero Psicoanalitico Contemporaneo [The Analyst’s Affective Participation. The Contribution of Sándor Ferenczi to Contemporary Psychoanalytic Thought]. Milan: FrancoAngeli.
Borgogno, F. (1999). Psicoanalisi come Percorso [Psychoanalysis as a Journey]. Turin: Bollati Boringhieri.
Borgogno, F. (1999). Sándor Ferenczi’s first paper considered as a “calling card”. International Forum of Psychoanalysis. 8 (3-4), pp. 249-256.
Borgogno, F. (2000). Il sogno in Sándor Ferenczi: tra passato, presente e futuro [Sándor Ferenczi and dreams: images and thoughts between past, present and future]. In S. Bolognini (Ed.), Il sogno cento anni dopo [The Dream a Hundred Years Later]. Torino, Bollati Boringhieri.
Borgogno, F. (2001), La “lunga onda” della catastrofe e le “condizioni” del cambiamento psichico nel pensiero clinico di S. Ferenczi [The “long wave” of the catastrophe and the “conditions” for psychological change in the clinical thought of S. Ferenczi]. In C. Bonomi & F. Borgogno (Eds.), La catastrofe e i suoi simboli [The Catastrophe and its Symbols]. Torino: UTET.
French translation: La “longue onde” de la “catastrophe” et les “conditions” du changement psychique dans la pensée clinique de Ferenczi: un hommage au “bébé savant”. In D. J. Arnoux & T. Bokanowski (Eds.). Le nourrisson savant. Une figure de l’Infantile. Paris: Press Éditions.
Portuguese translation: A “longa onda” da catástrofe e as “condições” da mudança psíquica no pensamento clínico de Ferenczi. Psicanálise, Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de Porto Alegre, 13(1), 25-38. 2006.
Borgogno, F. (2001). Psicoanalisis como Recorrido [Psychoanalysis as a Journey]. Madrid: Síntesis.
Borgogno, F. (2003). Il mio primo incontro con Ferenczi [My first meeting with Ferenczi’s thought]. In Albasi, C., Boschiroli, A., & Granieri, A. (Eds.), Incontrando Sándor Ferenczi. Temi ferencziani nella pratica clinica contemporanea [Meeting Sándor Ferenczi. Ferenczian Topics in the Contemporary Clinical Practice.]. Bergamo: Moretti e Vitali.
Borgogno, F. (2003). Originalità e creatività del concetto di trauma nel pensiero e nell’opera di Sándor Ferenczi [Originality and creativity of the concept of trauma in the thinking and works of Sándor Ferenczi]. In Foti C. (Ed.), L’’ascolto dell’abuso e l’abuso nell’ascolto. Abuso sessuale sui minori: contesto clinico, giudiziario, sociale (pp. 173-191). Milano: FrancoAngeli.
Borgogno, F. (2003). Pourquoi Ferenczi aujourd’hui? [Why Ferenczi today?]. Le Coq-Héron, 174, 9-19.
Borgogno, F. (2003). Sopravvivere alla morte psichica: squarci da una storia clinica [Surviving psychic death: The analytic journey of a schizoid patient]. Il Ruolo Terapeutico, 92, 15-26.
Borgogno, F. (2004). Editorial. Int. Forum of Psychoanalysis, 13(1-2), p. 1.
Borgogno, F. (2004). Éditorial de “Ferenczi le clinicien” II. Le Coq- Héron, 178, 7-8.
Borgogno, F. (2004). Ferenczi e l’alterità: appunti per un’ “ideale lezione”. Interazioni, 2, 74-79.
English translation: Ferenczi and otherness: Notes for an ‘ideal lesson’. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, vols. 3-4, pp. 249-254. 2012.
Borgogno, F. (2004). Ferenczi e Winnicott: contatti (d’“anima”) ravvicinati. Il Vaso di Pandora, 12(4), 47-59.
English translation: Ferenczi and Winnicott: Searching for a “missing link” (of the soul). Am. J. Psychoanal., 67, 221-234, 2007.
Portugese translation: Ferenczi e Winnicott: contatos (de alma) próximos. Psicanálise (Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de Porto Alegre), 6(2), pp. 283-297.
Borgogno, F. (2004). Ferenczi oggi [Ferenczi Today]. Turin: Bollati Boringhieri.
Borgogno, F. (2004). Introduzione [Introduction]. In Essere neonati [Being Infants] di D. Vallino, M. Macciò, Roma: Borla.
Borgogno, F. (2004). On the patient’s becoming an individual: The importance of the analyst’s personal response to a deprived patient and her dreams. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 14(4), 475-502.
Portuguese translation: Tornar-se uma pessoa: a importância da resposta afetiva do analista aos sonhos de uma paziente esquizóide que sofreu privações. Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise, 38(3), 711-733. 2004.
Borgogno, F. (2004). Psicanálise como Percurso [Psychoanalysis as a Journey]. Rio de Janeiro: Imago.
Borgogno, F. (2004). Un capitolo tutto da scrivere: ‘Ferenczi e i bambini’[‘Ferenczi and children’: A chapter still to be written]. Quaderni di Psicoterapia Infantile, 49, 51-54.
Borgogno, F. (2004). “Why Ferenczi today? The contribution of Sándor Ferenczi to the understanding and healing of psychic suffering”. Int. Forum of Psychoanalysis, 13(1-2), 5-13.
Italian translation: Borgogno, F. (2004). Perché Ferenczi oggi (pp. 15-26) ?. In F. Borgogno (Ed.). Ferenczi Oggi [Ferenczi Today] Turin: Bollati Boringhieri.
Spanish translation: Por qué Ferenczi hoy. Revista de Psicoanálisis, 61(4), 887-900. 2004.
Portuguese translation: Por que Ferenczi Hoje?. Psicanálise, Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de Porto Alegre, 7(1), 93-110. 2005.
Borgogno, F. (2005). Llegar a ser: la importancia de la respuesta afectiva del analista a lo sueños de una paciente esquizoide deprivada emocionalmente. In “Trauma: Nuevos desarrollos en Psicoanálisis. Incluye trabajos del 44º Congreso Psicoanalítico Internacional – Río 2005”, Special issue of Psicoanálisis, 27(1-2), 263-292.
Borgogno, F. (2005). Ferenczi e il trauma: una piccola mappa introduttiva [Ferenczi’s clinical and theoretical conception of trauma: A brief introductory map]. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 67(2), 141-149, 2007]. Interazioni, 25(2), 73-80.
Portuguese translation: Ferenczi e o Trauma: pequeno mapa introdutório. Psicanálise, Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de Porto Alegre, 8(1), 105-118. 2006.
English translation: Ferenczi’s Clinical and Theoretical Conception of Trauma: A Brief Introductory Map. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 67(2),141-149. 2007.
Spanish translation: La concepción clínica y teórica del trauma en Ferenczi. Un breve mapa introductorio. Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Psicoanálisis, 11/12, 231- 242. 2008.
Borgogno, F. (2006). Pensieri sul trauma in Ferenczi [Thoughts on trauma in S. Ferenczi’s works]. In C. Bonomi (Ed.), Sándor Ferenczi e la psicoanalisi contemporanea [Sándor Ferenczi and the Contemporary Psychoanalysis], (pp. 77-84). Roma: Borla.
Borgogno, F. (2006). Ferenczi e Winnicott. Alla ricerca di un nesso perduto. In C. Bonomi (Ed.), Sándor Ferenczi e la psicoanalisi contemporanea, (pp. 110-119). Roma: Borla.
English translation: Ferenczi and Winnicott: Searching for A “Missing Link” (of the Soul). American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 67(3), 221-234. 2007.
Spanish translation: Ferenczi y Winnicott : “a partially missing link”. Psicoanálisis, Revista de la Asociación Psicoanalítica de Buenos Aires, 30(2-3), 209-227. 2008.
Spanish translation: Ferenczi y Winnicott: contactos (de alma) cercanos. In A.A. Blanco, A. Lieberman (Eds.), Winnicott hoy: presencia en la clínica actual, (pp. 129-144). Madrid: Psimática. 2008.
Hungarian translation: Ferenczi és Winnicott: A lélek “egy részben hiányzó láncszeme”. Thalassa, 20(1), 57-68. 2009.
English translation: Ferenczi e Winnicott: “A partially missing link”. Richard & Piggle, 17(2), 129-142. 2009.
Borgogno, F. (2006). Sándor Ferenczi. In F. Barale, M. Bertani, V. Gallese, S. Misura, A. Zamperini (Eds.). Psiche. Dizionario storico di psicologia, psichiatria, psicoanalisi, neuroscienze (pp. 430-426). Torino: Einaudi.
Borgogno, F. (2007). Ferenczi visto alla luce del suo rapporto con Freud: un punto di vista essenziale [Ferenczi in the light of his relationship with Freud: an essential point of view]. In A. Haynal (Ed.), Uno psicoanalista fuori dall’ordinario [Disappearing and Reviving: Sándor Ferenczi in the History of Psychoanalysis]. Torino: Centro Scientifico Editore.
Borgogno, F. (2007). Ian D. Suttie: un pioniere [Ian D. Suttie: a pioneer]. In I. D. Suttie, Le origini dell’amore e dell’odio (pp. 221-226). Torino: Centro Scientifico Editore.
Borgogno, F. (2007). Il “rovesciamento dei ruoli” e l’ambito dei fattori curativi [The “role-reversal” and the field of the curative factors]. Il Vaso di Pandora, 15(4), 13-28.
Portuguese translation: “Inversão de papeis” e o âmbito dos fatores curativos. Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise, 41(4), 142-151. 2007.
Spanish translation: La inversión de roles y sus factores curativos. Clínica e Investigación Relacional, 2(1), 84-93. 2008.
Borgogno, F. (2007). Psychoanalysis as a Journey. London: Open Gate Press.
Borgogno, F. (2007). The Vancouver Interview. Frammenti di vita e opere d’una vocazione psicoanalitica [The Vancouver Interview. Notes and Fragments of a Psychoanalytic Vocation]. Roma: Borla.
Spanish translation: La entrevista de Vancouver. Buenos Aires: LUMEN. 2008.
Portugese translation The Vancouver Interview. Fragmentos de vida e obras de uma vocação psicanalítica. Sao Paulo: IMAGO Editora. 2009.
German translation: The Vancouver Interview. Fragmente eines Lebens und Werkes im Zeichen einer psychoanalytischen Berufung. Zürich: Pudelundpinscher. 2013.
Borgogno, F. (2007). Trauma e temporalità in Ferenczi: note cliniche e teoriche [Trauma and temporality in Ferenczi: Theoretical and clinical notes]. Il Vaso di Pandora, 15(2), 9-19.
Spanish translation: Trauma y temporalidad: el punto de vista de S. Ferenczi. Clínica e Investigación Relacional, 2(2), 280-286. 2008.
Borgogno, F. (2008). Entretien avec Franco Borgogno [Franco Borgogno interviewed]. Le Coq-Heron, 193, 9-31.
Borgogno, F. (2008). Una vocación psicoanalítica: recuerdos, sueños y reflexiones. Clínica e Investigación Relacional, 2(2), 262-279.
English translation: Notes and fragments of a psychoanalytic vocation. The American Journal of Psychoanalysis. 68(1), 69-99. 2008.
Borgogno, F. (2009). Converção sobre The Vancouver Interview. Alter. Revista de Estodios Psicanalíticos da Sociedade de Psicanalíse de Brasilia, 27(1), 169-178.
Borgogno, F. (2009). Ferenczi, l’“analista introiettivo”. Rivista di Psicoanalisi, 56, 561-576.
Portuguese translation: Ferenczi, o “analista introjetivo”. Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise, 45(2), 105-117. 2011.
Spanish translation: Ferenczi, “el analista introyectivo”. In P. Boschan (Ed.), Sándor Ferenczi y el Psicoanalisis del siglo XXI (pp. 13-28). Letra Viva/ASAFER, Buenos Aires. 2011. (Reprinted in: Temas de Psicoanálisis, 3, 2012).
English translation: Ferenczi, the “introjective analyst”. In A. Harris & S. Kuchuck (Eds.), The Legacy of Sándor Ferenczi. 2, 173- 186.
Borgogno, F. (2010). L’intervista: Franco Borgogno [Interview with Franco Borgogno]. Il Ruolo Terapeutico, 114, 7-27.
Borgogno, F. (2011). La Signorina che Faceva Hara-Kiri e Altri Saggi. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
English translation: The Girl Who Committed Hara-Kiri and Other Clinical and Historical Essays. London: Karnac Books. 2013.
Borgogno, F. (2009). La inversión de roles en el trabajo psicoanalitico actual y su relevancia como factor curativo. Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Psicoanálisis (SAP), 13, 261-278.
English translation: The relevance of “role reversal” in today’s psychoanalytic work. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 17 (4), 213-220. 2008.
Borgogno, F. (Ed.) (2010). Special Issue: The life and work of Charles Rycroft. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, Volume 70, Issue 2.
Borgogno, F. (2010). In these pages… American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 70(2), 109-111.
Borgogno, F. (2011-2012). Ferenczi y la otredad: notas para una “lección ideal”. Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Psicoanálisis,15/16, 209-220.
English translation: Ferenczi and otherness: Notes for an ‘ideal lesson’. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 3-4, 249-254. 2012.
Borgogno, F. (2012). ‘Psychoanalysis as a journey’: A clinical method for the transmission of psychoanalysis at university. Revista Portuguese de Psicanálise, 32(2), 9-33.
Borgogno, F. (2013). An unfinished fresco on Ferenczi as a person and as a psychoanalyst. Revista Portuguesa de Psicanálise, 33(2), 89-103.
Italian translation: Un affresco “incompiuto” su Ferenczi come persona e come psicoanalista. Richard e Piggle, 21(1), pp. 42-55. 2014.
Borgogno, F. (2013). L’accomplissemént de l’«élasticité de la technique». Le projet psychanalytique et le parcours de Sándor Ferenczi. Le Coq-Heron, 212, pp. 59-68.
English translation: Achieving the elasticity of technique: Sándor Ferenczi’s psychoanalytic project and journey. Revista Portuguesa de Psicanálise. 35(1): 6- 14. 2015.
Borgogno, F. (2013). Review of Jonathan Sklar’s Landscapes of the Dark. History, Trauma, Psychoanalysis. The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 73(1), 107-109.
Borgogno, F. (2013). No nosso coração e na nossa mente e no coração e na mente dos outros. O percurso de um analista actual entre tradição e criatividade. Psicanálise (Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de Porto Alegre), 14(2).
Borgogno, F. (2014). A “Work in Progress” Between Past, Present and Future: The Dream in/of Sándor Ferenczi. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 34: 80-97.
Borgogno, F. (2014). “Coming from afar” and “temporarily becoming the patient without knowing it”: two necessary analytic conditions according to Ferenczi’s later thought. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 74(4), 302-312.
Italian translation: “Venire da lontano” e “diventare temporaneamente il paziente a propria insaputa”: due assunti della mente psicoanalitica di Ferenczi al lavoro. In F Borgogno (Ed.), Rileggere Ferenczi Oggi. Contributi Italiani [Rereading Ferenczi Today. Italian Contributions] (pp. 11-26). Borla: Roma. 2015.
Borgogno, F. (2014). Making the best of what has been done to you and of what you yourself have done: Commentary on papers by Joan Sarnat and Emanuel Berman. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 24, 549-557.
Borgogno, F. (2015). Una vocazione psicoanalitica: ricordi, sogni, riflessioni [A psychoanalytic vocation: Reflections, dreams and memories]. In N. Janigro (Ed.), La vocazione della Psiche. Undici terapeuti si raccontano. Torino: Einaudi.
Borgogno F. (2015), Una experiencia fundamental de aprendizaje en mi formación psicoanalítica. Revista de Psicoanálisis de la Asociación Psicoanalítica de Madrid, 75: 117-129.
English translation: A special learning experience about transference and countertransference dynamics at the beginning of my psychoanalytic training. The American Journal of Psychoanalysis. 2016.
Italian translation: Una speciale esperienza di apprendimento dalle dinamiche di transfert e controtransfert avvenuta ai primi tempi della mia formazione psicoanalitica. Rivista di Psicoanalisi. 2016.
Borgogno, F. (2016). Introduzione [Introduction]. Rileggere Ferenczi Oggi. Contributi Italiani [Rereading Ferenczi Today. Italian Contributions] (pp. 7-10). Roma: Borla.
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English translation: The broken symbol: The fear of the mind of the other in the symbolic history of the individual. Int. Forum of Psychoanalysis, 17(3), 169-177. 2006.
Borgogno, F. & Boschiroli, A. (2003). Der “Klinische Sándor Ferenczi“. Integrative Therapie, 3-4, 378-386.
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Spanish translation: La “familia” analítica y Charles Rycroft. Clinica e Investigación Relacional, 4, 23-32. 2010.
Borgogno, F., & Cassullo, G. (2010). “Ablation of the parental images”: An underlying core of Charles Rycroft psychoanalytic thought. The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 70, 128-138.
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Borgogno, F., & Vallino, D. (2006). “Spoilt children”: un dialogo fra psicoanalisti. Quaderni di Psicoterapia Infantile, 52, 107-148.
English translation: “Spoilt children”: A conversation between two analysts. In F. Borgogno, The Girl who Committed Hara-Kiri and Other Clinical and Historical Essays. London: Karnac, pp. 199–235, 2013.
Borgogno, F., & Vigna-Taglianti, M. (2007). Il rovesciamento dei ruoli e la dissociazione del sé: una “forma di ricordo” poco illuminata dalla letteratura psicoanalitica. Richard e Piggle, 15, 1-21.
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English translation: Role-reversal: A somewhat neglected mirror of heritages of the past. The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 68(4), 313-324. 2008.
Role-Reversal: A somewhat neglected mirror of heritages of the past. The Italian Psychoanalytic Annual, III, 93-102. 2009.
Spanish translation: Inversiòn de roles: una “reflexiòn” sobre la herencia descuidada de nuestro pasado. Re. De Psicoanàlisis, LXV(4), 790-803. 2008.
Borgogno, F. & Vigna-Taglianti M. (2009). A Inversão de Papéis na Dinâmica de Transferência-Contratransferência. Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise de Porto Alegre, 11(1), 89-104.
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