Become a Member
ISFN is a non-profit organization registered in Italy and governed by Italian law.
View ISFN Statute (PDF) – Membership Regulations (PDF)
Membership can be acquired by:
physical, individual persons
organizations purposing similar or convergent to those of the Network.
Registered members will be provided with access to the restricted section of this website.
All the members registered have the right to participate in the societal assemblies and have the right to vote.
Become an Individual Member
Available Individual Memberships:
Applications have to be approved by the ISFN Board.
For privacy reasons your sensitive data may only be provided via secure online form, SMS (text) message or email.
To process your application usually it takes 1-2 weeks.
Approved applicants must complete payment for membership within 15 days after receiving approval or the application will be deleted.
Payment may be made online via PayPal. Instructions will be provided for approved members.
Become a Member Society
ISFN promotes the creation of local Ferenczi societies. The application to become a Member Society has to include:
a) a brief description of the organization
b) a list of its members.
The application should be sent to the ISFN President by email at
The individual members of a Member Society become members of the Network automatically and do not have to pay an individual fee on top of their Member Society’s fee, which is determined by each society.
Cancel an Individual Membership
Individual memberships may be cancelled by completing the request form found here.