ISFN Book Presentation Series
Next Presentation – Postponed
The November 16th Book Presentation event is postponed and will be rescheduled at a later date. Those who submitted payment for this event will be credited for a future event.
Libido, Culture, and Consciousness: Revisiting Freud’s Totem and Taboo
With: Daniel S. Benveniste
12 p.m. NY time (EST)
6 p.m. European time (CET)
ONLINE via Zoom, 2 hours
Discussant: Endre Koritar
Moderator: Mariana Toledo
The book takes us back to the phylogenetic project of psychoanalysis, leaves behind Freud’s psycho- Lamarckian assumption, and sets out in search of analogous relations between psychosexual development, psychopathology, prehistoric cultural evolution, myth, and ritual toward a unified theory of human development. Benveniste considers the analogous relations betwen human social instincts and primatology and Hominin evolution, schematized in four stages of “psychomythic development.” The stages are informed by psychosexual development and illuminate how human psychology has projected mythic thought into the world and out onto the walls of the universe throughout our cultural evolution.
Daniel S. Benveniste, PhD, is a clinical psychologist in Sammamish Washington; an honorary member of the American Psychoanalytic Association; the author of Libido, Culture, and Consciousness: Revisiting Freud’s Totem and Taboo (2022) and The Interwoven Lives of Sigmund, Anna, and W. Ernest Freud: Three Generations of Psychoanalysis (2015); and is a Visiting Professor of Clinical Psychology in Wuhan, China.
Endre Koritar, M.D., FRCP(C), FIPA, is a training and supervising analyst with the Western Canada Psychoanalytic Society Institute. He is an Assistant Clinical Professor of the University of British Columbia affiliated with the Department of Psychiatry. He is on the Board of Directors of the ISFN, the National Council of the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society, the National Training Committee, and an Associate Editor of the American Journal of Psychoanalysis. He is interested in researching and elaborating on the ideas of Sándor Ferenczi, who was a harbinger of contemporary psychoanalytic theory and technique.
Mariana Toledo is a psychoanalyst from São Paulo, Brazil, with a Bachelor’s degree in English from the University of São Paulo, and a Master’s student in Clinical Psychology at the same institution. She has founded and coordinates Um a Um Espaço de Psicanálise, an online collective transmission initiative in psychoanalysis, with study groups and supervision groups. She is a member of the Psychoanalysis Research and Intervention Laboratory at USP, of the Brazilian Sándor Ferenczi Research Group (GBPSF) and the ISFN, and of the Psychoanalysis Training Department at the Sedes Sapientiae Institute.
Registration for this event will be reopened when a new date is announced.
(€ 30, 50, 100 or 150)