Ferenczi in Firenze, Summer Course
July 8-12, 2017
Florence, Italy
The Summer Course consists of five seminars:
Jay Frankel – Ferenczi’s Key Concept of Identification with the Aggressor
Emanuel Berman – A Generative Dyad: The Interaction of the Personal and the Theoretical in the Freud-Ferenczi Relationship
Judit Mészáros – Trauma and Resilience: How Ferenczi’s New Approach Influenced Psychoanalysis
Arnold Rachman – The Resurrection of Elizabeth Severn: Ferenczi’s Analysand and Mutual Analytic Partner
Clara Mucci – Resilience after Massive Trauma, or How do We Counter the End of Civilization?
View the PDF brochure for details.
Apply for the Summer Course
Applications (name, affiliation, and a short professional CV) should be addressed to Carlo Bonomi and sent to ferencziinfirenze@gmail.com.
Admission: Only members of the International Sándor Ferenczi Network can take part in the courses. Applicants are invited to become members (yearly membership € 30). Instructions can be found on our Become a Member web page.
The fee for the summer course is € 500. The fees should be paid to the International Sándor Ferenczi Network via PayPal after the application is accepted.
Reimbursement Policy: Registered persons who cannot attend can ask for the reimbursement of € 400 (out of 500) before June 1, 2017. After this date no reimbursement is possible.
Updated information available at: http://www.carlobonomi.it/ferenczi-in-firenze.html